As from tomorrow, 19th April, Divine Mercy Sunday, the Archdiocese of Malta will introduce a televised Sunday Mass in English. This initiative is being taken in collaboration with PBS.

Holy Mass will be broadcast every Sunday on the Archdiocese of Malta website at 10:30am and on TVM2 at 6:30pm. Archbishop Charles Scicluna will celebrate Mass from the church of the Franciscan Friars, which is dedicated to St Francis, in Hamrun. The church is a centre of devotion for Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Presently, Holy Mass is being broadcast daily (Monday to Sunday) at 9:30am on TVM2, on and on Those who cannot watch the morning Mass may watch the same transmission at 5:30pm on TVM2 from Monday to Friday. On Saturday evening, 6:30pm Mass in Maltese is broadcast from the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu in Gozo.



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